
How can we help you set up a Virtual Reality arcade or popup

Let us run a colocated arcade and go beyond reality into worlds that will push your mind and body to the limits.

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High streets are changing...

“We need to revive, restore and ultimately reinvent our high streets, making them entertaining and enjoyable places to spend time. We need to recognise that the high street is a venue for events, an amphitheatre for family life, and make it a distinct place that’s worth visiting. And that’s where meanwhile use of empty shops comes in.” Dan Thompson, The Empty Shops Workbook

But the competition is the home...

The adoption of VR consumer equipment driven by the Oculus Quest, LBVR experiences need to be above and beyond the home, so haptic feedback (eg feeling of being shot), large field of view headsets and high fidelity 4K resolution visuals.

We're taking social VR to the next level

We're looking to take the mobile home VR gamer to the next level - top of the range experiences and equipment to immerse you fully into the VRScapist world.

Do you have...

10x10m open space

A 10x10m open space that is not used in your shopping or family entertainment centre

100sqm empty store

A 100sqm empty store in a shopping centre or family entertainment centre

Seeking extra revenue

Keen to look at the options of a revenue share model to augment your current income

We can help you and provide

a standalone VR arcade that provides a range of games from standalone to cooperative free roam solutions

a booking and payment system for the duration of the arcade

various size setup - minimum 6mx6m (4 VR headsets) to 10mx10m (8 VR headsets) or larger

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What we need...

Site Survey

We will conduct a comprehensive site survey to ascertain if the location is suitable


The hardware, though portable, requires an adequete supply of electricity to run the servers for the arcade


wifi or other network connectivity (this we can provide if no suitable network is available)

What you get...

a state of the art VR attraction

a % of the revenue (subject to negotiation)

increased footfall in your shopping centre, highs street or family entertainment centre

Why a vr arcade?

Based on research, Composite annual growth in Location Based VR (2020-25) is expected to be 32.5%

60% of our target audience of Young Millenials, male and female, between 19 and 28 would be willing to frequent location based virtual reality entertainment

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